The ULTIMATE Guide To Advancing From a Mid-Level to a Senior Web Developer

Hayk Simonyan
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min readApr 9, 2024


Okay, you’re a mid-level developer. You’ve got the basics down, worked a few jobs, and now you’re itching for that senior title (and the paycheck that goes with it!). This roadmap is for you.

If you’re looking for that jump from junior to mid-level, make sure to check out the first part of this roadmap.

AI Tools

These tools aren’t here to replace you but make you a way faster and more efficient developer. Important: It’s best to already have a solid coding foundation before diving into AI tools. You want to understand the ‘why’ behind the code, not just rely on the ‘what’ the AI spits out.

  • GitHub Copilot: Think of it like your pair programmer that magically predicts what you might want to type next. It’s a lifesaver for boilerplate code and tests! The new chat feature in the editor is super cool, too. Just be careful — always review its suggestions.
  • Cursor AI: Another chat-based AI, but this one really knows your codebase. Cloned a new project? Ask Cursor AI how to run it, or where a specific feature is, etc. This saves me hours of digging through docs!
  • Prompt Engineering: Your interactions with Copilot, Cursor AI, and other AI tools can be as good as your prompting skills. The better your prompts (questions or tasks), the better the results! It’s worth taking a short course to learn these techniques, which will save you a lot of time down the line.
  • ChatGPT/Gemini/Bing: Everyone’s heard of ChatGPT, but keep an eye on the others (like Google’s Gemini). Use them for coding help AND learning new stuff. Pro versions are worth it if you can swing it!
  • AgentGPT/GodMode: These are virtual agents that can perform tasks on your behalf using natural language processing. You give it a big task, and it’ll figure out smaller steps for you to start implementing.
  • LangChain/AutoGPT: These are open-source tools to bring more power into your own apps. For example, search the web from within your code! This extends the functionality of a language model beyond simple text generation to applications that can interact with and manipulate external data sources and services.

Data Structures & Algorithms

While some folks tackle this before even landing their first dev job, I believe you’ll get the most out of it after you’ve experienced real-world projects. That’s when you truly appreciate how this knowledge unlocks better solutions to complex problems.

These concepts are all about how code works under the hood. You’ll dive into things like:

  • Big O Time & Space: Understanding how the amount of time and space your code needs changes as the data it handles grows. This is how you spot potential bottlenecks before they ruin your app’s user experience.
  • Traversal and Iteration: These are methods for systematically ‘visiting’ all the elements in data structures like arrays, trees, or graphs.
  • Recursion: Recursion is a concept where a function calls itself to neatly break down problems into smaller, self-similar versions.
  • Sorting and Searching: Sorting algorithms put data into order, and Searching algorithms help you quickly find what you need.
  • Trees, Graphs, DFS, BFS: Specialized ways to represent relationships (like family trees or city maps) that open up new problem-solving strategies in your code.
  • Dynamic Programming: It sounds fancy, but it’s a way to solve tough problems by breaking them into smaller, easier ones.

These concepts are not only important for writing optimized code, but they also come up in tech interviews, so get comfortable with them.

Testing: Your Code’s Quality Control

What is the difference between working code and good code? Testing!

Let’s see the key testing concepts you should master:

  • Unit / Integration Testing: Unit tests focus on isolating individual components (functions, classes) and verifying that they work correctly on their own. Integration tests take it a step further, checking how those components link together within a larger system.
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): TDD flips the usual coding process on its head! Instead of writing the code first, you begin by writing a failing test that outlines a specific feature. Then, you focus on writing the bare minimum code needed to make that test pass. This forces you to think deeply about what each part of your application should do, leading to well-structured and thoroughly tested code.
  • End-to-end (E2E) Testing: End-to-end tests put your application through its paces from the user’s perspective. Does the entire flow, from clicking buttons to submitting forms to seeing the correct results, work as expected?
  • API Testing: Modern web applications often rely on APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to communicate between different components or external services. API tests verify that these ‘conversations’ happen correctly and handle unexpected data or errors gracefully.
  • Performance Testing: It’s not just about whether your code works; it's also about how it performs under stress. Performance testing includes techniques like load testing (simulating many users at once) and stress testing (pushing the system beyond its normal limits to find breaking points).

Design Patterns: Code That’s Built to Last

Design patterns are time-tested solutions to common coding challenges that make your code readable, adaptable, and way less buggy. Think of them as blueprints for common coding problems.

Some key ones are:

  • Singleton: Ensures your codebase has only a single instance of a specific class. This is often used for managing things like database connections or global settings.
  • Factory: Provides flexibility when creating objects. Instead of directly specifying the exact type of object you want, a ‘factory’ class handles creating the appropriate object based on input or conditions.
  • Dependency Injection: This makes your code more modular and testable by allowing you to ‘inject’ the components (dependencies) that a piece of code needs at runtime rather than hardcoding them within.
  • Proxy: Acts as an intermediary for another object. Proxies can be used for controlling access, caching results for performance, or even logging interactions.
  • Facade: Simplifies how you interact with a complex subsystem. Instead of juggling multiple classes directly, a facade offers a streamlined interface.
  • Observer: A way for objects to get notified of changes in other objects they ‘subscribe’ to. Think of how a news website might alert you when an article on a topic you follow gets updated.
  • Iterator: Provides a consistent way to loop through elements in a collection (like an array or tree) regardless of how that collection is internally structured.
  • …and more!

System Design: Building the Big Picture

Websites and apps aren’t just code; they’re a whole system talking to each other. This stuff matters when things need to scale!

System design is all about creating the architecture that underpins large-scale, reliable software systems. Understanding these concepts sets you apart as a developer who can think beyond individual code snippets and plan for growth and resilience.

Some of the building blocks of System design are:

  • Network — TCP, UDP, DNS: Understanding these core protocols is essential for troubleshooting network issues and designing systems with specific performance or reliability needs.
  • Monorepos vs. Polyrepos: Beyond the basic definition, learn the trade-offs of each approach. When does a monorepo become cumbersome? In what situations do smaller, separate repositories (polyrepos) offer more agility?
  • API Design — REST, GraphQL, RPC, Webhooks: REST remains the dominant API style, but GraphQL is gaining traction, particularly for mobile or complex frontends. RPC is suited for internal microservice communication, while webhooks offer real-time, event-driven updates.
  • Authentication and Authorization (OAuth, SAML, JWTs): Securely identifying users (authentication) and controlling what they can access (authorization) are paramount. Learn these protocols and how to employ them with identity providers.
  • Load Balancing (Hardware vs. Software, L4 vs. L7): Tools that distribute traffic across multiple servers are key for high availability. Learn about the physical (hardware) vs. code-based (software) balancers and understand the difference between network-level (L4) and application-aware (L7) balancing.
  • Caching & CDNs: Explore caching strategies beyond the basics. Look into distributed caching (think Redis or Memcached), multi-level caching (browser > CDN > server), and cache invalidation techniques.
  • Data Replication and Sharding: When might you choose replication for increased read performance vs. sharding for increased write capacity? Consider consistency trade-offs with each approach.
  • CAP Theorem: A fundamental rule stating you can prioritize two out of three: Consistency (all nodes have the same data at the same time), Availability (all nodes stay responsive), and Partition Tolerance (the system survives network failures between nodes). System design often revolves around this tradeoff.
  • Database Systems (Relational vs. NoSQL, Key-Value, Document, Graph): The right database for the job depends on your data structure and access patterns. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each type is crucial.
  • Messaging Architectures (Queues vs. Pub/Sub): When do simple queues (think of a ticket line) suffice? In what situations does a publish/subscribe model with multiple recipients per message become essential?
  • Disaster Recovery: How do you plan for inevitable failures? Discuss backup strategies (hot/cold backups), recovery time objectives (how long to be back up), and geographic redundancy.
  • Scalability vs. Performance: Scaling often means adding more resources, but that’s not always efficient. Learn performance optimization techniques that boost what your existing hardware can do.
  • Monitoring and Observability: You can’t fix what you can’t see! Explore tools for collecting metrics, logs, and distributed tracing to pinpoint issues and proactively identify performance bottlenecks.

This is still just scratching the surface of system design. I’d be happy to turn any of these points into full-length articles if you think it would be helpful to you.


By mastering the concepts outlined in this roadmap, you can position yourself as a strong candidate for senior full-stack developer roles. These roles offer the potential to earn a six-figure salary, regardless of your location, because there are a lot of remote opportunities nowadays.

Tech is always evolving, so never stop learning! Revisiting these concepts makes them stick and helps you tackle even the toughest coding problems.

Okay, that’s a lot! Did I miss anything important? What are you most curious to dive deeper into?

👋 If you’re new here, I’m Hayk. I help web developers secure their first tech jobs or advance to senior roles at the Web Dev Mastery community.

